[49668510154]Enfamil D Vi Sol Vitamins
[40721436639413]Enfamil D Vi Sol Vitamins Pack of 3
[49668510090]Enfamil D Vi Sol Vitamins Pack of 12
Supplement Facts. Free from top 7 most common allergens, sugar free & no added sucrose, free from artificial colors & flavors, free from gluten, whey & casein
why parents & pediatricians choose Enfamil vitamins: #1 infant vitamin brand, 100% daily value of vitamin D, gentle ingredients, recommended by pediatricians
did you know? The AAP recommends breastfed and combo-fed babies receive 400IU of vitamin D daily, but breast milk alone doesn't provide this amount.
for babies exclusively breastfed or supplemented ages 0-12 months
Enfamil Infant Vitamins, nurturing your little one's every need

Enfamil® D Vi Sol® Vitamin D Drops

Regular price $28.99 Sale

Enfamil D Vi Sol Vitamin D Drops

Enfamil D Vi Sol helps breastfed babies get the daily amount of vitamin D recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

In one convenient liquid dose, Enfamil D-Vi-Sol provides 400 IU of vitamin D—an essential vitamin that helps your baby absorb calcium for strong bones and teeth.*

  • Liquid vitamin D supplement with easy-to-use dropper for breastfed & partially breastfed infants
  • One liquid dose has 400 IU of vitamin D—the daily amount recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Product may be dispensed directly into the mouth or mixed with breast milk, formula, juice, or foods to encourage acceptance
  • No artificial flavors or colors
  • Enfamil is the #1 brand of vitamin drops recommended by pediatricians

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Available Formats and Sizes

Enfamil D Vi Sol Vitamin D Drops are available in 50 mL liquid bottles. If you want to stock up on Enfamil® D Vi Sol® Vitamin D Drops you can purchase them in packs of 3 or in cases of 12.